Legal Disclaimers


Sherri Britsch


Monday - Friday:
8:30am – 4:30pm

Monday - Friday:
8:30am – 4:15pm


Legal Disclaimers

We are pleased to provide online public access to our indexes which begin January 1, 1993. To view images you will need to complete and return an Image Access Form. We will continue to add more indexed documents as time allows.

The images on the Putnam County Recorder’s website are provided for informational purposes only. The images are watermarked to external users. Documents or pages received for filing with the watermark on them will not be accepted for recording. Watermarked images may not be used for legal purposes.

Official documents and pages without the watermark are available for copying from 8:30am-4:30pm Monday thru Friday at the Putnam County Recorders’ office.

The Putnam County Recorder reserves the right to make changes and updates to the information on this site without notice.

By using this site and the information found here, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Putnam County Recorder and Putnam County from all claims or damages of any nature which may arise from the use of, or reliance upon any of the information contained herein.

Provisions contained in any deed or other instrument for the conveyance of a dwelling which restrict the sale, rental, or use of the property because of race or color are invalid under federal law and are enforceable. Authority: Fair Housing Act, title viii of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C., pp3601

WARNING: Documents recorded in the Recorder’s office are generally considered to be Public Records. Other persons have access to the information in recorded documents. (ORC 317.42)

ATTENTION: Under Ohio law, and in accordance with 1196 OP Attorney General #96-019, the County Recorder shall accept for recording only documents that are authorized by the Ohio Revised Code to be recorded. Revised Code Chapter 317; Revised Code 1311.06; and Revised Code 5301.252